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Middlesex County sees rise in ATM thefts

On February 22, Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey warned that individuals risk the possibility of allowing their credit and debit card numbers to be stolen whenever they use an automated teller machine to withdraw cash. The theft of card numbers at ATMs has been on the rise in recent months, Prosecutor Carey said, noting that the best defense for ATM users is to place one hand over the ATM to prevent thieves from being able to view ATM customers’ personal identification numbers. By installing tiny cameras, known as “skimmers,” over the card-reading camera of legitimate ATMs, thieves have been able to secretly record credit and debit card numbers and users’ PINs. Recording those numbers enables thieves to create new cards and potentially steal thousands of dollars from the accounts of ATM users. There have been 20 ATM thefts reported in Middlesex County since December. Continue Reading →

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