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Phone Scams Targeting Middlesex County Residents

​Middlesex County Prosecutor Andrew C. Carey warns that two unrelated telephone scams could potentially bilk residents out of thousands of dollars. “These types of scams in which criminals use fear tactics for financial gain are becoming more prevalent throughout New Jersey,” Prosecutor Carey said. “These criminals often use personal information of the victims or their families to convince their targets to act. I urge all of our citizens to remain vigilant, be skeptical of such phone calls, and to contact the police if they receive such a phone call,” Prosecutor Carey said. In one scam, Prosecutor Carey and Chief Matthew Geist of the Middlesex Borough Police Department said an investigation determined that a group of unknown individuals may call potential targets, tell them that one of their relatives has been kidnapped, and that the family must wire money to ensure the victim’s safe return. Continue Reading →

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Scam Using Somerset County Sheriff’s Office Phone Number

Scammers are using the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office phone number and impersonating themselves as sheriff’s office personnel to get victims to make payments on false warrants. “The public should know that the sheriff’s office always serves warrants in person and will never call for money or personal information,” Sheriff Frank J. Provenzano said. If you have received any calls from scammers, call the Somerset County Sheriff’s Office at 908-231-7140 ext.9. If you are a victim of a scam, you can file a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission at
If you received a false call and actually sent or confirmed funds and wish to file a complaint with the Federal Trade Commission you can do so at
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