monmouth county

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Middlesex County To Assume Monmouth County Medical Examiner’s Operations

The Middlesex County Board of Chosen Freeholders voted February 18 to establish a Shared Services agreement with Monmouth County to regionalize all Medical Examiner operations, utilizing Middlesex County’s state-of-the-art facility in North Brunswick. As part of the agreement, Monmouth County will pay Middlesex County $1.4 million annually — or $14 million over the life of the agreement — to perform all operations, including investigations of all unexplained natural deaths and violent deaths in order to determine cause and manner of death. The office also preserves evidence, analyzes physical evidence and provides expert testimony in courts of law. The agreement, effective April 1, will be in place for 10 years. The arrangement will save Monmouth County more than $1 million over that term. Continue Reading →

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