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Kindergartners celebrate Proud Day

Dunellen kindergarten children perform at 2016 Proud Day.

On June 15, kindergartners at Faber Elementary School celebrated their year’s accomplishments at Proud Day, a graduation-type event. According to Gary Lubisco, Jr, Faber Elementary School Principal, “It is exciting to see the students celebrate their achievements. The students and parents should be proud of all of their hard work.”

Kindergarten teachers Nicole Jiras, Eileen DeNapoli, Kira Giordano, Jane Campbell and Stephanie Lanza hosted the event with the assistance of resource room teacher, Chris Roth. According to Jiras: “Proud Day is a day we celebrate how proud each student is about themselves. The students have learned and grown so much since September. Continue Reading →

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LMS Eighth Graders Move on to DHS

Eighth grade promotion at Lincoln Middle School.

Lincoln Middle School’s eighth grade students celebrated their promotion on June 16, 2016 in the Faber Middle School Gymnasium. The ceremony was coordinated by school counselor Jessica Puckett, eighth grade teacher Lisa Stanley and the entire eighth grade team. The ceremony highlighted students achievements and praised their academic success. The eighth grade choir performed “I Believe I Can Fly” for the audience. According to Robert Altmire, Principal, “This year’s 8th grade is well prepared for High School. Continue Reading →

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Dunellen High School Class of 2015 graduates

Herg Zhang, salutatorian addresses the graduating class of Dunellen High School.

Dunellen High School’s Class of 2015 graduated Friday June 19, 2015 in Washington Park. The clouds held back the rain that had been threatening the outdoor ceremony which is a unique tradition that allows extended family, friends, and townsfolk to attend, no admittance tickets required. This year’s class was comprised of 89 seniors. Wearing the school colors of red and blue, they entered the park two-by-two, having walked a block from Dunellen High School. Grace Amodeo, who will be attending Westminster Choir College in the fall sang the Star Spangled Banner and Kevin Bluni, secretary of the senior class led the Pledge of Allegiance. Continue Reading →

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