
Recent Articles

Two Vying to Win Open BOE Position via Write-In Votes

Dunellen High School

Two Dunellen residents are looking to become members of the Dunellen School District’s Board of Education. Voters can write in the names of either Douglas Meyer or Gerard Trotta for the one-year term position which does not have any candidates on the official ballot. Douglas Meyer
“My name is Douglas Meyer. I am asking voters to write in my name for the uncontested one-year seat for Dunellen BOE. I have lived in Dunellen 24 years. Continue Reading →

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Doug Meyer – Board of Education Candidate, November 2015

Dunellen High School

“My name is Doug Meyer. I am running for the Dunellen Board of Education for one of the full 3 year terms. My wife Karen and I moved to Dunellen shortly after our first child was born. We have raised 4 children in Dunellen and watched them grow and learn in the Dunellen Public Schools, from Kindergarten right through DHS, where our youngest son is now a junior. I have spent more than 30 years teaching in public schools in 3 states, and in 4 counties in New Jersey. I have taught music at every grade level since 1983, and taught computers before that. Continue Reading →

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Jeffrey M. Portik – Board of Education Candidate, November 2015

Dunellen High School

“A little bit about my background and history, I have been a resident of Dunellen for 45 years. I myself went through the Dunellen School system from the Whittier School, to Faber School, and then to Dunellen High School (’88). I participated in sports while in school which included football, basketball, and track. I also was a member of the marching band, the choir and was an active actor in many of the school musical productions. I had a great education and school experience and wish for all the students in the district to have the same. Continue Reading →

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John Paul Osborn – Board of Education Candidate, November 2015

Dunellen High School

“I’ve been a member of the Dunellen Board of Education for well over a decade and a borough resident since 1988. People who know me will generally know my position on issues that come before the Board. Hopefully, voters will cast ballots for the candidates who will best serve the interests of the taxpaying citizens of Dunellen, the Dunellen School District and the school age young people of the borough. I am extremely pleased that in addition to my extremely capable colleagues on the current Board, Jeff Portik and Dr. Ken Sanders, Faith Thompson and Doug Meyer have decided to run. It is a pleasure to know that there are people who care enough about our school system that they are willing to put in the many, many hours of volunteer time to serve on the Board and serve their community. Continue Reading →

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William “Bo” Vastine – NJ General Assembly Candidate, November 2015

William “Bo” Vastine

“I have spent the summer out visiting with people in our community to learn more about their struggles, frustrations and priorities. What I have learned is disheartening, but not without hope. What many of you have told me is that our state, with its high taxes and lack of good paying jobs, is quickly becoming unaffordable for your family and neighbors. The result, unfortunately, is that New Jersey is the highest exodus state in our country. I do believe that we can fix these problems and make New Jersey an affordable place to live and raise a family again… but I need your help! Continue Reading →

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Faith Thompson – Board of Education Candidate, November 2015

Dunellen High School

“Dear Dunellen residents:

My name is Faith Thompson and I am running for the Board of Education. I
have been a resident of Dunellen for 25 years. I am married to John
Hunnewell and we have two daughters, Abigail and Laurel. Abigail
graduated from DHS in 2014 and is a sophomore at the University of
Delaware. Laurel is currently an 8th grader at Lincoln Middle School. Continue Reading →

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Elections on Nov. 3

bald eagle and flags

On November 3, Dunellen residents head to the voting booth. Turnout is expected to be light since there are no offices above New Jersey General Assembly that are up for election. Assemblyman Gerald “Jerry” Green (D) who has represented the 22nd Legislative District since 1992 is running with the former mayor of Rahway James J. Kennedy (D). Kennedy is hoping to fill the chair that Linda Stender left open. Stender who had held the position since 2002 chose not to seek reelection after questions arose about her permanent residence status and involvement in her husband’s application for Habitat for Humanity assistance after Hurricane Sandy. Continue Reading →

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