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Free American Indian Dance Program on 2/26

The Middlesex County Office of Culture and Heritage and the Folklife Program for New Jersey welcome the Thunderbird American Indian Dancers for a colorful and lively performance of traditional dance and music, representing tribal groups found throughout the United States on Friday, February 26 at 7 p.m. at the Crossroads Theatre located at 7 Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick. Known for their dedication to the preservation and cross-cultural understanding of Native American cultures, the Thunderbird American Indian Dancers are an inter-tribal ensemble who preserve and perpetuate the songs and dances of their community. Since 1963, the dancers and their Artistic Director Louis Mofsie, have presented dances and songs which reflect the variety of American Indian cultures, regions and traditions from the Iroquois to the Inuit. This is a free program, but registration is required. To register, please call 732-745-4489. Continue Reading →

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