Heidi Heleniak

Recent Articles

Halloween Activities Happening in Dunellen

There are several Halloween activities happening in Dunellen this weekend. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28
The Dunellen PBA #146 & Dunellen Fire Department’s 5th Annual Trunk or Treat will be held Friday, October 28 at the Dunellen Fire House from 5-7pm. ADULTS
Avellino’s Pizzeria & Sports Bar will host its Halloween Party on Friday, October 28 starting at 7pm. The event features a costume contest and live music from members of the band Sloppy Joe. Those in costume are eligible for drink specials and giveaways. Continue Reading →

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Making a Difference | Editorial

dunellen organizations - scouts, charities, nonprofits

Today is National Make a Difference Day and reading about the service event made me think about Larry Anzovino and Tyler Katarsky, two Dunellen residents who recently passed away. The two were born over half a century apart and so you might think that they would have nothing in common but they did. They loved Dunellen and loved making the world a better place by volunteering. Volunteering is extremely fulfilling, especially if you are able to use your skills. But sometimes it’s not that easy to find a place that needs you. Continue Reading →

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Middlesex County Offers Recycling Event For Old Televisions and Computers

The Middlesex County Division of Solid Waste Management will provide a safe way to dispose of outdated electronics at a special one-day recycling event. This free event is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 2p.m. on Saturday, November 5 and will take place rain or shine. Accepted items for this recycling event are televisions of all sizes, computer monitors and desktop and laptop computers. Drop-off location is Papaianni Park (near the Edison Municipal Building), 100 Municipal Blvd., Edison, 08817. Assistance will be available if you need help unloading your electronics. Continue Reading →

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Vote-By-Mail Ballots to be Processed at County Clerk’s Office

The Middlesex County Clerk’s Office will be open from 8:30am to 7pm on Tuesday, November 1 and from 9am to 1pm on Saturday, November 5 to process Vote-By-Mail applications and ballots. The Office is located on the 4th Floor of the Middlesex County Administration Building, 75 Bayard Street, New Brunswick. Voters will be able to fill out applications for a Vote-By-Mail ballot and vote the ballot in the same visit. Voters who complete their ballots during these two days only can leave their completed ballots at the clerk’s office for delivery by staff to the Middlesex County Board of Elections. All other mail-in ballots must be received by the Middlesex County Board of Elections, 11 Kennedy Boulevard, East Brunswick by 8pm on November 8. Continue Reading →

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Halloween Events at East Jersey Old Town

The Middlesex County Office of Culture and Heritage will be holding free Halloween-themed programs at East Jersey Old Town Village at 1050 River Road in Piscataway. Children between the ages of 5 and 9 can make two different Halloween-themed crafts on Friday, October 21 and Saturday, October 22 at 7pm. The first is a spooky and fun ghost foam door hanger. The second craft is a Halloween lantern window sign. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

The vollage will aso be host to storytellers. Continue Reading →

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Dunellen Police Report | September 2016

On 9/27/2016 at 9:46 am – A Piscataway resident was arrested for contempt of court following a motor vehicle stop on Madison Avenue. An investigation revealed that he had a warrant for his arrest out of Springfield in the amount of $1,500. He arrested and transported to Dunellen Police Headquarters for processing and was released after posting bail. On 9/25/2016 at 2:33 pm – A Piscataway resident was arrested and charged with possession of under 50 grams of marijuana following a motor vehicle stop on West Fourth Street. He was arrested and transported to Dunellen Police Headquarters for processing. Continue Reading →

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Garlic Growing Workshop at EARTH Center

fruits and vegetables

The Rutgers Master Gardeners will offer a free gardening workshop, “Growing Garlic in Your Garden” 10 a.m. on Sunday, Oct. 9 at the EARTH Center located in Davidson’s Mill Pond Park, 42 Riva Avenue, South Brunswick. Garlic takes up little space, can be planted in the fall and has many uses in cooking. The workshop will begin with an indoor presentation followed by an outdoor, hands-on planting session. Pre-registration is required. Continue Reading →

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Middlesex County Presents Program on the Perks of Art

The Middlesex County Office of Culture and Heritage is hosting “Art: A Path to Wellness,” a panel discussion on the many ways that the arts help people heal and achieve well-being. This free event is scheduled to be held from 3 to 5 p.m. on Friday, Sept. 30 at the Crossroads Theatre, 7 Livingston Avenue in New Brunswick. Four innovators in the field of Arts & Health will share their unique experiences and perspectives on how and why the arts are beneficial in all stages of life: Donald Parker, President and CEO of Carrier Clinic, Jacqueline Guttman, Founder of Arts for Life Network of NJ, Barbara Romito, Director of the Child Life Program at the Bristol-Myers Squibb Children’s Hospital at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, and Edie Elkan, Founder of Bedside Harp™. Edie Elkan will play a selection from her musical repertoire on the harp and artists from the Carrier Clinic will exhibit artwork created from historic windows. Continue Reading →

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Are You Registered to Vote this November?

bald eagle and flags

National Voter Registration Day will be held on September 27. The event is a concerted effort by organizations around the country to encourage voting in the upcoming general election. In 2008, 6 million Americans did not vote because they missed a registration deadline or did not know how to register. The deadline to register for the November 8 election is October 18. To check or update voting information, go to http://nj.gov/state/elections/index.html. Continue Reading →

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Fall Composting Workshops Offered By County

Workshops are being offered to show Middlesex County residents how to cut down on trash and create a natural gardening resource by composting yard waste and kitchen scraps. Two free composting seminars are being held at the Middlesex County EARTH Center in Davidson’s Mill Pond Park, 42 Riva Ave., South Brunswick. Classes run about 2 hours and feature an overview and explanation of two composting techniques:

Vermi-Composting (using worms): 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 12
Backyard Composting: 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 15

Call the Middlesex County Office of Solid Waste Management at 732-745-4170 or e-mail solidwaste@co.middlesex.nj.us to register for these free workshops. Continue Reading →

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