DUNELLEN, NJ. At last night’s council meeting, it was announced that Dunellen had been selected as the location for the world’s tallest gnome museum.
Loof Lirpa, spokesgnome for the organization Gardens Need Our Magnificence (GNOM) said that he was delighted at the decision, mentioning that creative placemaking had become a buzzword in the U.S. in the past few years, but Dunellen was the only town that suggested using its abandoned water tank for the museum. He thought it particularly fitting since gnomes have an affinity for cans containing water.
The museum will be totally funded by private donations, and improvements have already begun by brownie volunteers who only work at night. Mr. Lirpa mentioned that there are already several schools interested in signing up for field trips and that there are plans to open a tea shop on the roof of the tank. The museum will open February 31, 2015.
~Helen Iak, reporter